Global Oil Limited
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Major Feature Of The Company( Consultancy )

“Major Objective of our company is to introduce multinational oil companies products through our consultants with out having their offices/ Manpower and economize their expenses and work on their behalf to develop their business & offer the following consultancy"
Oil Equipment sales and Promotion
Different Type of Chemicals Sales and Promotion
Application of Production Optimization most advanced Techniques
Consultancy in work-over, completion and dual ESP/ PCP Installation
Application of Enzym and other polymer technology
Waste water handling and disposal project

About The Company

"Our aim is to strengthen the long-term unique success of the onshore oil and gas industry in different countries by working closely with companies across the entire sector, governments and other stakeholders to address the important issues regarding field production surveillance by offering our expertise consultancy."

Global oil and gas services suggest proven advanced technology specifically in Optimization of production & regarding Oil Equipment and services for being the consultant across all segments of the global oil industry on land. Our Consultant has adept full intellectual presentation skill to convince the Oil Companies for buying of the Oil Equipment and Chemicals on behalf of the manufacturers and we facilitate to minimize the manufacturers expenses as we have the most expertise consultant who keep evolutionary innovation flowing to provide customer advantage for selling of the products on minimal expenses, right here, right now.

We are under the process of developing most technical expertise CV of the professionals in our Data base to offer their services for all kind of magnified technical work with their expertise performance on most reasonable charges related to oil industry.

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